The Science of Sunlight and Human Health - SKYVIEW™

The Science Behind
Light and Your Health

When talking about our health and wellness we center our focus around things like nutrition, exercise, meditation, mindfulness etc. But there’s one large component we’ve been ignoring, or at least taking for granted.

And that’s sunlight.

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Sunlight Deprivation
is a Modern Health Crisis 

Experience circadian disruption
Our life indoors
For centuries, our days and nights followed the sun cycle closely, enabling our bodies — our circadian rhythm — to reset itself each day. Unfortunately, we now spend over 93% of our life indoors, 90% of us experience circadian disruption, and long story short — artificial light is compromising our health.

But just how much does this compromise our health? Well, the short answer is it pretty much affects every aspect of it. Let’s start by talking about how light is absorbed – through the eyes.

Light We See in the Daytime Unleashes Your Potential

Harness the power of daylight

From fine-tuning focus to elevating mood, light aligns our body’s rhythm for peak performance. Whether it’s sharper cognition or optimal metabolism, every ray of light readies us to conquer the day’s challenges.


Daylight directly enhances learning capacities via the perihabenular nucleus (PHb) connection.


Daylight signals the brain’s mood centers, leading to the release of serotonin, and other “feel-good” neurotransmitters. Daylight directly enhances learning capacities via the perihabenular nucleus (PHb).


Light helps regulate hunger through hormones like leptin and ghrelin, aligning our meal times with our body’s readiness.

Alertness & Sleep

The “master clock” or SCN springs to life with morning light, coordinating our biological systems.

Visual Comfort

The OPN, IGN, and IGL work in tandem, optimizing visual processing for comfort and adaptability.

Nighttime Optimizes
Your Recovery

Night’s embrace isn’t just about sleep

As melatonin gets released after being built up in the day, our bodies dive deep into repair mode — from immune boosts to muscle growth. Embrace the darkness, and rise rejuvenated, set for success.

Alertness & Sleep

The daytime alertness-promoting VLPO now advocates for sleep, guaranteeing a peaceful rest.


As night falls, melatonin ushers in sleep, fortifies our immunity, spurs growth, relaxation, and lets our metabolism rejuvenate for dawn.

Master Clock

As dusk falls, our SCN gracefully moves our body into its rest phase.

Light We See in the Daytime Unleashes Your Potential

Harness the power of daylight

From fine-tuning focus to elevating mood, light aligns our body’s rhythm for peak performance. Whether it’s sharper cognition or optimal metabolism, every ray of light readies us to conquer the day’s challenges.


Daylight directly enhances learning capacities via the perihabenular nucleus (PHb) connection.


Daylight signals the brain’s mood centers, leading to the release of serotonin, and other “feel-good” neurotransmitters. Daylight directly enhances learning capacities via the perihabenular nucleus (PHb).


Light helps regulate hunger through hormones like leptin and ghrelin, aligning our meal times with our body’s readiness.

Alertness & Sleep

The “master clock” or SCN springs to life with morning light, coordinating our biological systems.

Visual Comfort

The OPN, IGN, and IGL work in tandem, optimizing visual processing for comfort and adaptability.

Nighttime Optimizes
Your Recovery

Night’s embrace isn’t just about sleep

As melatonin gets released after being built up in the day, our bodies dive deep into repair mode — from immune boosts to muscle growth. Embrace the darkness, and rise rejuvenated, set for success.

Alertness & Sleep

The daytime alertness-promoting VLPO now advocates for sleep, guaranteeing a peaceful rest.


As night falls, melatonin ushers in sleep, fortifies our immunity, spurs growth, relaxation, and lets our metabolism rejuvenate for dawn.

Master Clock

As dusk falls, our SCN gracefully moves our body into its rest phase.


These brain chemicals guide our mood, sleep, focus, and much more.

Adrenal Clock

Dictates cortisol levels, managing stress responses.

Gastrointestinal Clock

Modulates digestion and nutrient absorption, ensuring optimal gut health.

Renal Clock

Manages fluid balance and toxin filtration, essential for kidney health.

Reproductive Clock

Controls reproductive hormones, impacting fertility and sexual health.

Fat Tissue Clock

Influences the storage and release of fat, playing a role in weight management.

Skeletal Muscle Clock

Directs muscle repair, growth, and strength, boosting physical performance.

Cellular Clocks

Present in nearly every cell, these local clocks coordinate cellular growth, division, and repair for a genetic level.

Skin Clock

Oversees cell repair and regeneration, enhancing skin health and appearance.

Thyroid Clock

Regulates thyroid hormones for energy, temperature, and metabolism control.

Cardiovascular Clock

Governs heart rate and blood pressure, helping maintain optimal circadian cardiovascular function.

Nervous System Clock

Modulates neural activity and cognition, supporting brain health.

Immune System Clock

Controls immune responses and inflammation, key to warding off infections.

Pulmonary Clock

Oversees breathing rates and lung function, for effective oxygen supply.

Liver Clock

Regulates detoxification and metabolism, maintaining peak liver function.

Pancreatic Clock

Coordinates insulin production and glucose regulation, essential for energy and preventing diabetes.

Reproductive Clock

Regulates female reproductive hormones, influencing fertility and menstrual cycles.

Brighter days, darker nights are what we need to be healthy.

Sunlight is our life source, so why replace it with something artificial? SKYVIEW Human Light recreates a sunlight experience to promote general well-being indoors.

Artificial Lighting is too dim in the day

Artificial lighting misses key qualities of sunlight, which can lead to circadian drift. Incorporating the qualities of better and stronger daylight boosts sleep, mood and overall well-being.

Today’s artificial light is too bright at night

Artificial lighting misses key qualities of sunlight, which can lead to circadian drift. Incorporating the qualities of better and stronger daylight boosts sleep, mood and overall well-being.

Artificial Light Disrupts Your Body’s “Master Clock”. And Your “Master Clock” Does More Than Keep Time. It Influences Almost Every Aspect of Health.

Sunlight supports general well-being by transmitting information to the master clock in our brains via a special photopigment in the eye – melanopsin. Artificial lights don’t capture the qualities of sunlight needed to support a natural sleep-wake cycle.

Research shows that experiencing a natural sunlight experience, with enough sky blue light in the day and none at night – promotes better sleep, reduced fatigue, and increased focus and productivity.

Learn About the Research Behind SKYVIEW
Results of Harvard-Affiliated Interventional Clinical Trial

Elevates Performance, Mood, and Sleep
The “master clock” fine-tunes your melatonin, serotonin, and cortisol - all key players in shaping your mood, sleep, and daily performance.
Enhances Organ Function and Resilience
Each organ function has its own “peripheral clock”, aligning organ functions harmoniously for better daily living.
Optimizes Your Body's Genetic Potential
Nearly every cell in our body comes equipped with its own genetic clock that relies on our circadian rhythms 43% of the time, optimizing your body at the cellular level.

An Unhealthy Light Diet Can Be Serious. Triggering a Domino Effect on Your Body.

Research shows that the impact of an unhealthy light diet is often hidden until health issues have already surfaced.
Sources:Manoogian et al. 2018Ronneberg and Marrow, 2016


Compromised learning


Fragmented Sleep

Insufficient sleep

Mood swing

Excessive daytime sleepiness

Gut dysbiosis

Fragmented Sleep


Childhood obesity

Irregular menstrual cycle

Compromised fertility

Cardiac arrhythmia


Panic attacks

Systemic inflammation

Rheumatoid arthritis


Seasonal affective disorder

Glucose intolerance




ICU delirium



Compromised immunity




Septic shock

Impaired growth and development

Heart diseases


Type 2 Diabetes


Colon Cancer

Breast cancer


SKYVIEW delivers the full benefits of outdoor light

Human Light is Revolutionizing Wellness

Designed to Enhance, Replenish and Restore.

Throughout human history, we’ve lived in tune with the sun. Sunlight guided us, influencing almost every aspect of our general well-being.


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